Monday, February 27, 2012

Smashing weeds is murder!

What are weeds made of?
Weeds are made of cells and tissues which are broken further into atoms, which are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
All of those components are just building blocks behaving the way that they are supposed to behave.
So in simple terms, weeds are just atoms obeying science.

What are humans made of?
Aren't humans also composed of atoms obeying science?
Furthermore, our brains are just made of cells, and they work correctly thanks to electrical currents (and a whole lot of other stuff that has to all synchronize perfectly, but hey, this is a blog not a science class).

So what makes us better than weeds? How come it's okay to smash a weed repeatedly with a sledgehammer, then drown the particles with gasoline, then leave the whole gasoline weed particle mess out in the desert to slowly evaporate and disintegrate? If we did that to a person it would make the news and put people on death row.

But really, if all things in the world, and universe, are just well-behaving scientific building blocks, why are homo-sapiens superior to trees, or worms, or poop?

Maybe it's because humans have independent thought. Maybe it's because we create spaceships and train tigers to purr. But the only thing that allows us to do those things is our brains, right? And brains....are cells behaving as cells are supposed to behave.
People in a vegetative state do not have independent thought, they can not create spaceships or train tigers to purr. Yet somehow they still must be viewed as superior to a weed. So brains can't be the reason we are superior to weeds.
Some people might say it's because we have life.
But life is just because cells are working correctly. Squirrels have life, and although most people agree that squirrels are better than weeds, that doesn't make them equal to people.
Also, somehow dead people are still better than weeds. They get caskets, and people get sued if they are disrespectful in graveyards or if they just throw corpses into ditches.
Therefore, life also can not be the reason for people's superiority to weeds.

Let's put it this way, is one individual cell superior to another individual cell? No, they are equal.
So why would one heap of cells be superior to another heap of cells?

Ladies and gentlemen, we are no greater than weeds.