Friday, January 27, 2012

Sweet sweet relief

You know that moment when you are rushing out the door to go to class, which is an hour away, and you suddenly realize that there was a reading assignment due for one of your classes that you completely forgot about?
You know how there's an online summary you have to fill out about the reading assignment before class starts, and if you don't fill it out you'll get a big fat zero on your grade-book that you will then have to average out somehow to get that A that you covet?

You rush downstairs to fill that summary with hasty sentences so you'll at least get some credit instead of none. You open the summary box and right there, where the summary assignment should be is a message from your professor saying that he decided not to require the reading summary for that section. You're so relieved that you nearly fall over.

You know that feeling?
It's awesome, isn't it?