Friday, December 28, 2012

Terrible Movies

There was a time when simply sitting in front of a screen to watch a movie rendered me speechless. Everything I saw on the screen was magical, and I loved every second of it. I don't have any memories of watching a truly terrible movie from when I was smaller. I guess it just comes with childhood.

Often times when I revisit a precious memory from my childhood I notice that it is significantly less charming the second time around. We visit our childish Narnia and find that the fields are smaller and itchier, the trees are less exciting, and the mythical battles which used to be so prevalent seem to have disappeared (This is by no means an insult to Narnia, a suggestion that Narnia is for children, or that adults would find Narnia to be lame. Narnia is a real place and if you're telling me that Narnia isn't real or that it's lame, then life is not worth living anymore....sorry, I had to do that, I'm very protective of C.S.Lewis.)
We can't spend time mourning the death of our childish viewpoint. Although the world looses a lot of its charm as we grow older, it also looses a lot of its fences. We learn as we grow that every single human who is born on this planet gets a chance to make their dreams a reality. Growing up gives us more freedom, and the journey for self-actualization is an exciting one! Although we learn that life can be cruel, we also learn that life can be exhilarating. Those childish lenses were a beautiful and glorious thing! But we can never return to a moment we have already lived. Every point in life is a new stage, and although wonderful things from the past have to die, their place will always be filled by new wonderful things.

I was reading something online a few days ago, and I found this photo which basically summarizes all knowledge in the universe.
This last category, the things that we don't know that we don't know is the single most motivating mystery on planet earth. These things cannot be comprehended. It is our job to find them, and bring them into one of the other categories. When I read this summary of human knowledge, I immediately associated it with stages of life.
We cannot predict what a new stage of life will bring, that's what makes them so terrifying. They are an unknown unknown. Some may argue that they should be a known unknown because we are aware of our own ignorance. However, I would like to suggest that they are an unknown unknown. Although we are aware of our ignorance, it is not the ignorance which brings us terror. It is what lies within the ignorance! It is the actual constancy of this next stage in life. If a terrible car accident will occur in a week from now, and it will leave you paralyzed from the waist down, there is no way that you can have knowledge of this event. It is an unknown unknown. An unknown unknown does not have to be some revolutionary concept like another dimension or a new element, in this case, the unknown unknown simply exists because of time.
We must continue onward, because this is the only way we can bring something that we cannot comprehend into something which we can quantify.
The unknown unknowns are the things which bring us terror, but once we have conquered them, they will also bring us power. Time is not our enemy, it is our puppet-master. whatever we are handed tomorrow, we will have to take without argument. It is simply the way that life as we know it exists.

Some people see the unknown unknowns of life and are paralyzed by them. But the way that I see it is this: if you cannot change what is going to happen to you tomorrow, why should you waste the known knows and the known unknowns of today worrying about the unknown unknowns of tomorrow?

By their very nature unknown unknowns are.....unknown. We cannot be angry about their nature any more than we can be angry about the sky being blue, or gravity holding us down! Enjoy today! Let tomorrow be tomorrow.

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